Sunday Morning Service

 Sunday Morning Service


24 And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, 25 not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” Hebrews 10:24-25 NIV

Our doors open at 9:00 am and our service begins promptly at 10:00 am Sunday.

Our primary purpose as a body of believers at Mountain View Evangelical Missionary Church is to gather together and worship our Lord Jesus Christ. We believe worship is a family event, so your children are welcome to participate in the service. We have a table at the rear of the sanctuary if you have young children who would prefer to colour at this time. Worship is so much more than singing on Sunday mornings. On Sundays, our call to worship begins with the reading of Scripture (usually from the Psalms) and an opening prayer.

After some brief announcements (often we have events and ministries happening at the church) we then move to the singing portion of our service. We usually sing a mixture of traditional Hymns and contemporary Christian worship songs accompanied by either live or recorded music.

We often interrupt the music portion for a brief time of corporate prayer. At Mountain View Church, we believe it is important to be a praying church and to offer up praise and prayer items during Sunday morning service. After prayer time, we resume our singing of worship and praise to the Lord.

Children are dismissed after the singing portion of the service where they go downstairs with one of our vetted volunteer teachers and they will receive a Bible-centered lesson which involves singing, scripture memorization, and a game or craft of some sort. (See our Sunday School Ministry description for more details).

Once the children are dismissed, those in the Sanctuary will receive a Bible-based message. The pastor usually preaches verse-by-verse through a chosen book of the Bible which is presented in an expository style with emphasis placed on the historical/cultural context of the original author. The timeless truth is then discovered and brought forward to our context today for understanding and application. The Sovereignty of God and the Salvific Work of Jesus Christ are stressed. (You may listen to previous messages on our message tab on the website).

After the message, we conclude with one more song, a brief conclusion from the pastor, and a benediction or doxology to be offered to those in attendance. We then conclude the morning with coffee, cookies, and fellowship time downstairs in the Fellowship Hall. This is where the body edifies each other and the family atmosphere of the church begins.

Won’t you consider joining us? Come and become a part of the family of Jesus Christ.

Contact the pastor for more details or phone 403-335-4422.